Models and Predictions

NOnlinear SEt-membership Modeling | NOSEM®

NOSEM® Overview

NOSEM® (NOnlinear SEt-membership Modeling) is an innovative methodology for modeling complex nonlinear systems from experimental data.

The derived MODEL/X allows to simulate the behavior of SISTEM X for new inputs.

NOSEM® Technology Features

Data-Driven Design allows development time and cost reduction.

NOSEM® accurately estimates variables of complex non-linear systems without requiring expensive model building phases.

Robustness performances can be achieved versus variability of system operating conditions.

# Non-Linear Modeling
# Models and Simulations
# Sustainability
# IoT
# Machine Learning
# Building Automation
# Car Dynamics
# Clean Tech
# Cost Reduction
# Digital Twin
# Easy Integration
# Environmental Protection
# Industry AI
# Powertrain Performance
# Predictions
# Predictive Maintenance
# Real-Time Monitoring and Anomaly Detection
# Self-Tuning Controls
# Virtual Sensing